7.4 LAB - Select lesson schedule with inner join데이터베이스 시스템 2024. 11. 10. 09:43
LAB activity
The database has three tables for tracking horse-riding lessons:
The Horse table has columns:- ID - primary key
- RegisteredName
- Breed
- Height
- BirthDate
The Student table has columns:
- ID - primary key
- FirstName
- LastName
- Street
- City
- State
- Zip
- Phone
- EmailAddress
The LessonSchedule table has columns:
- HorseID - foreign key references Horse
- StudentID - foreign key references Student
- LessonDateTime - datetime
- Primary key is (HorseID, LessonDateTime)
Write a statement that selects lesson datetime, horse ID, and the student's first and last name. Order the results in ascending order by lesson datetime, then by horse ID. Unassigned lesson times (student ID is NULL) should not appear.
Hint: Perform a join on Student and LessonSchedule, matching the student IDs.
Initialize.sql(read only)-- Initialize tables DROP TABLE IF EXISTS Horse, Student, LessonSchedule; CREATE TABLE Horse ( ID smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, RegisteredName varchar(15) DEFAULT NULL, Breed varchar(20) DEFAULT NULL, Height decimal(3,1) DEFAULT NULL, BirthDate date DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (ID) ); CREATE TABLE Student ( ID smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, FirstName varchar(20) NOT NULL, LastName varchar(30) NOT NULL, Street varchar(50), City varchar(20), State char(2), Zip mediumint(8) unsigned, Phone char(10), Email varchar(30), PRIMARY KEY (ID) ); CREATE TABLE LessonSchedule ( HorseID smallint(5) unsigned NOT NULL, StudentID smallint(5) unsigned DEFAULT NULL, LessonDateTime datetime NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (HorseID, LessonDateTime), KEY StudentID (StudentID) ); INSERT INTO Horse VALUES (1,'Babe','Quarter Horse',15.3,'2015-02-10'), (2,'Independence','Holsteiner',16.0,'2011-03-13'), (3,'Ellie','Saddlebred',15.0,'2016-12-22'), (4,'Thunder','Paint',16.1,'2019-05-01'), (5,'Alexis','Egyptian Arab',15.9,'2018-02-01'), (6,'Space Man','Holsteiner',18.0,'2017-09-21'); INSERT INTO Student VALUES (1,'Karin','White','1234 Blue Rd','Orlando','FL',32825,'4071234678','karin@email.com'), (2,'Amir','Saliba','9090 Race St','Orlando','FL',32825,'4079874455','amir@email.com'), (3,'Maria','Gonzalez','234 West 3rd St','Oviedo','FL',32821,'4071231122','maria@email.com'), (4,'Chales','Dixon','88 East 5th St','Geneva','FL',32732,'4078522585','charles@email.com'), (5,'Wei','Zhang','55 North Main St','Geneva','FL',32732,'4073336666','wei@email.com'); INSERT INTO LessonSchedule VALUES (2,4,'2019-02-01 10:00:00'), (4,2,'2019-02-01 11:30:00'), (4,2,'2019-02-03 11:30:00'), (1,NULL,'2020-02-01 09:00:00'), (2,NULL,'2020-02-01 08:30:00'), (2,NULL,'2020-02-01 09:00:00'), (2,NULL,'2020-02-01 10:00:00'), (4,NULL,'2020-02-01 09:30:00'), (4,NULL,'2020-02-01 10:00:00'), (1,1,'2020-02-01 10:00:00'), (2,2,'2020-02-01 09:30:00'), (1,3,'2020-02-01 08:30:00'), (1,4,'2020-02-01 09:30:00'), (4,5,'2020-02-01 08:30:00'), (4,5,'2020-02-01 09:00:00');
-- Initialize database source Initialize.sql -- Your SELECT statement goes here
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더보기SELECT LessonSchedule.LessonDateTime, LessonSchedule.HorseID, Student.FirstName, Student.LastName FROM LessonSchedule JOIN Student ON LessonSchedule.StudentID = Student.ID WHERE LessonSchedule.StudentID IS NOT NULL ORDER BY LessonDateTime, HorseID;
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